Wednesday 14 June 2017

MOH / KKM Antenatal Coding

Hi everyone. Today I am going to share a little bit of antenatal coding that we used for risk stratification in pregnant ladies, in Malaysia of course. Risk factors should be done during booking and reassessed in every trimester.

RED CODE : urgent referral to hospital and shared care by O&G specialist and family medicine specialist.
  • eclampsia
  • pre-eclampsia
  • BP ≥170/110 mmHg
  • signs and symptoms of heart disease during pregnancy (dyspnoea, palpitation)
  • shortness of breath when doing light chores/activities (washing dishes, sweeping the floor)
  • uncontrolled diabetes with ketonuria
  • antepartum haemorrhage (including miscarriages)
  • abnormal foetal heart rate (FHR):
    • FHR ≤110/min > 26/52
    • FHR >160/min > 34/52 ; note that FHR may be high in premature baby.
  • symptomatic anaemia during any gestation OR Hb ≤7g/dL
  • premature uterine contraction
  • leaking liquor in the absence of uterine contraction
  • severe asthma
  • seizure
  • fever ≥5/7

YELLOW CODE : refer to O&G specialist or family medicine specialist, and subsequent shared care with medical assistant and community nurse.
  • HIV +ve
  • hepatitis B +ve
  • TB/ malaria/syphilis
  • BP > 140/60 mmHg to < 170/ 110 mmHg<170 font="" mmhg="">
  • diabetes on insulin
  • reduced foetal movement at ≥32/52
  • pregnancy is post-date 7 days
  • underlying medical illness requiring treatment at hospital
  • involved in medicolegal issues
  • single mother OR teenage mother ( < 19 year old)<19 font="" o="" y="">

  • symptomatic anaemia OR Hb 7-9g/dL
  • stable placenta previa (no antepartum haemorrhage)
  • maternal pyrexia > 38 degree celcius OR > 3/7
  • h/o infertility before current pregnancy
  • *asymptomatic heart disease
  • *drug/smoking addiction

  • *check only once

    GREEN CODE : care by medical officer in Klinik Kesihatan and shared care with health/community nurse under the supervision of medical officer.
    • *rhesus -ve
    • *pre-pregnancy or booking body weight < 45kg<45kg font="">
    • *underlying medical issues (including psychiatric illness and physical disability) EXCEPT diabetes and hypertension
    • *h/o gynecological surgery
    • *unsure of LNMP
    • *h/o 3 consecutive miscarriages
    • *previous obstetric history :
      • h/o caesarean section
      • h/o PIH/eclampsia/diabetes
      • perinatal death
      • previous baby's weight of < 2.5kg or > <2 .5kg="" or="">4kg
      • h/o 3rd degree perineal tear
      • h/o retained placenta
      • h/o post-partum haemorrhage
      • h/o instrumental delivery
      • h/o prolonged labour pain
      • stillbirth
    • twin pregnancy
    • wt >80kg or increase weight > 2kg/week
    • Abnormal lie at ≥36w
    • head not engaged at ≥38w for primid
    • urine alb 1+
    *check only once

    WHITE CODE (only check once for all risk factors under this code) : care by community/health nurse in Klinik Kesihatan and Klinik Desa (rural clinic). Mother will only be stratified as white code if she had no risk factors listed in other codings.
    • gravida 2-5
    • no previous obstetric history that may recur or affect current pregnancy
    • no medical/obstetric problems during current pregnancy
    • height >145 cm
    • maternal age 18 < x < 41
    • married mother with family support
    • POA 37 < x < 41 weeks
    • estimated foetal weight (EFW) 2kg < x < 3.5kg

    Tuesday 18 August 2015

    MD UKM Year 3 Tips

    Assalamualaikum and good morning folks!
    Hello dear medical earthlings!
    I know you must be both anxious and excited to start your 3rd year.
    Well, good for you! I hope you keep that spirit on for the next weary few years.
    I can’t help but get excited for you as well.
    And as usual I can’t resist myself from giving out tips to y’all.

    #1 Preps before practical
    It is always a good habit to read prior to any classes or practical.

    Because by doing that you will understand and remember better once you get your hands on.

    Plus, I can say every supervisor has high expectation from you since y’all are still considered a fresh meat from theory years. So they assumed that you already got yourself familiarised with all the clinically significant anatomy and pathophysiology of the common diseases in wards.

    There is no harm if you don’t read before class. It is just that maybe you’ll give out bad impression to your supervisor and that can never be good. It is always good to impress your supervisor with brilliant questions or smart answers which can only come by through reading.

    Question like “Doctor, which is the most likely the main cause of renal failure in this both hypertensive and diabetic patient?” and answer like “Besides thyroid function test, we have to measure serum Mg in patient with hypocalcemia because hypocalcemia is almost always associated with hypomagnesemia” are always welcomed and appreciated.
    I can understand that at some point we can all be so exhausted that we prefer sleep rather than doing anything. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you can skip reading. This is where friends come in handy. While you read, prepare short yet comprehensive notes on the topic you’re reading and then exchange the notes between your friends or members of your study group. This works like magic and you can cover a few topics quicker.

    Medical school is not a blind race and it is definitely not a frenzy where you drag down people to come on top. Na-ah. Help each other.

    #2 Practice !
    After some inputs you gotta have some outputs so that what you’ve read could stick at the back of your head for real. It is time for practice! Practice, practice and practice the physical examinations (PEs) on real patient. How do we know a patient has hepatomegaly and not liver ptosis? How do we know a patient has ascites and not just an obese abdomen? It all comes with experiences. But you gotta practice the right thing. After all, practice makes a habit. Try to make a habit of the right thing.

    And guess what? The best time to practice is during bed side teaching when your supervisor can point out your mistake and correct you. Now, I know you might think that it would be embarrassing to have your flaw exposed like a nerve to other members of your group but it is for the sake of learning. In some cases, you would get scolded and unkind remarks, and it can be some kind of traumatizing sometimes that you can’t help but remember them forever, but bear in mind that these lecturers have allotted some precious time of their busy schedule to share their knowledge with you. And it is actually a good thing because you are not bound to repeat the same mistake since the scolding hurts our pride and ‘traumatizing’. Haha.

    In case you are thinking of faking a fluent PE, forget it because lack of practice will always show no matter how hard you try to hide them by pretending to know what you’re doing. These supervisors’ eyes are just that good they can tell that a mile off.

    #3 Be confident
    I understand that approaching patients is not easy. You just don’t know how to start the conversation and get them to open up to you. The key is to gain their trust. Patients will not open up and thus will hesitate to entrust you with their private matters if you stutter and appear unconfident. Good soft skills + confident = trust. Capiche? 

    HOWEVER, never force a patient to agree to be examined by you. There’s a fine line between persuading and coercing. Just be careful and make sure you don’t cross that line. Sometimes, their illness has taken its toll on them that it can render them so tired and bed-ridden.

    Be warned to not be over confident especially around your supervisor because you may be mistaken for being stubborn or even rude instead of confident. Moderation in everything, aite?

    #4 Be friendly & helpful
    Be amiable. Mingle with everyone. Offer kindness to the patients, staffs and friends. Some nurses are so busy that they overlooked some things and you can’t really blame them.

    I have some personal experiences on this matter. Just to share one with you.

    We were having a bed side teaching with our registrar. It just so happen that on our way to a cardio patient we tumbled across an elderly chinese man lying on the bed calling for nurses and people around to help him with something but nobody came, thinking that he was just making noise and fussy about something unimportant. Yes, we do have patients who refused to be IV-ed, take off oxygen mask and stuffs like that and they would scream in the wards trying to pull out the line, remove the mask and all sort of nuisance. So it really was nobody’s fault that no one came to him. However, it was not the case with this uncle. I felt so sorry for him that I almost cry if I turn on a deaf ear or take another step farther from his bed. I just could not ignore him calling for help and plus he can’t even pronounce words clearly because he had no teeth. That was just too sad for me and I didn’t have the heart to walk away. So, I walked closer to him and offer my help with anything he needed. I had no idea how long he was asking people who were walking past him to help with his bare gum before somebody even came. Would it not break your heart if it was your parent in his shoes? It sure broke mine. He spoke with his bare gum and albeit with his chinese-malay slang trying to say something. As much as I pitied him and wanted to help him, honestly, I could not figure out what he wanted. Then he started pointing something on the floor and what I saw just broke my heart. There it was a smudged muffin. I picked the muffin up and once he saw I was holding the muffin, he said, “Bagi saya. Saya mau makan”. Oh my goodness, I finally could actually understand him but I can’t let him eat something from the floor. So I said, “Uncle, ini sudah jatuh. Sudah kotor. Tak boleh makan lagi. Nanti uncle sakit. Saya buka muffin baru ya?” He nodded. I and a few friends helped him with the water, tissues, and of course a new muffin for him. I didn’t buy him new muffins because he had them in an unopened plastic case. What he said afterwards touched my heart and changed my life, “Terima kasih. Semoga Tuhan lindungi kamu semua. Tuhan lindungi kamu semua. Tuhan itu ada.” He said that loud and clear repeatedly.

    My gesture was not big enough that he had to pay his gratitude in his prayer. My heart was at ease and I had a deep thought about life. Thank you, uncle.

    *clears throat* Ehem. Okay guys! So don’t forget to be kind all right? Small gesture like this is what brings us together because we touched each other’s life. It gives you a new perspective at the world. Don’t choose who to help. Just help. Maybe when you come in the morning into the hospital you can help an elderly in a wheelchair. Isn’t it a pity to have them push the themselves on the wheelchair?

    #4 Manage time wisely

    All right. This is the most important thing. In every posting you are required to complete few procedures in a log book and there will be a few case reports you will have to complete before the posting ends. Never take case report lightly and avoid plagiarism! If your case report is good enough, you can send them for publication in medical journal. Yeay, how cool is that? And some tips for y’all. Complete your log book in the first 2 weeks so that you can have the rest of the weeks to produce an excellent case report (you need to do some serious reading). Kena rajin lah okay?

    In a nutshell, you need to do things effectively:
    •       Study hard and smart
    •       Exchange notes with colleagues.
    •       Avoid procrastination.
    •       Complete log book in the first 2 weeks

    So guys I think that is all. 
    Good luck and see you around.


    Thursday 25 June 2015

    WELCOME 1st YEAR MD UKM 15/16 !

    Assalamualaikum everyone. 
    Thank you for dropping by.

    First and foremost, congratulations to all of you for passing the interview. But don't get too happy or overly excited, that interview was barely a beginning. Life as a medical student begins when you start to learn how to adapt. Adapt to what? Well... basically everything. Starting from...


    You'll be reading textbooks that are thicker than your fav 200 pages novel and what not. For the first few months, you might struggle to understand almost every sentences and pronounce half of the medical terms you encounter wrongly. It is COMPLETELY normal, although the books might bore you faster than your novel though.


    It is true that everybody adopts different ways of studying. However, it is important that you don't freak out or get intimidated when you find out one of your colleagues actually memorize the whole book somewhat like overnight. And yes these kind of people exist in your circle of friends. The most important thing is that you need to know yourself in and out. What are your weaknesses and how to turn them into your advantage or strength. What are your strengths and how to utilise them optimally. If you can't study for long, then that's okay as long as you are able to grasp and understand the concepts. Remember, people who study longer are not necessarily smarter and vice versa. Everyone has their own weakness and strength. You just have to figure out how to study smart instead of study hard and this applies to everyone except geniuses. Okay scratch 'geniuses'. There are no geniuses in medicine but I am not saying that there are no 4 flatters. If you don't know something that simply means you are not reading enough. If someone appears to be like a genius he simply reads a lot. Simple. So guys, strap yourself and read. Haha. Kidding. But seriously though, read. And by reading I assume you understand what you've read.


    Like being said earlier, there will be a lot of smart people with various backgrounds. You will find that some of them are weird and not to your liking but you have no choice but to embrace the differences and weirdness. Heh. Because you will have to work in a team with them one day for assignments, etc. One thing about medical schools is that they love jumbling us up into groups with random people. Again, adapting. It is all about adapting. In any case possible, don't get yourself into trouble with anyone. Be nice to everyone regardless of races. This is essentially important. When you are out of med school you can't choose to work with Malays or Chinese or Indians only. Health is for all and we are chosen by God to be blessed with this knowledge to serve PEOPLE. And the term 'race' doesn't pretty much cover definition of people. I personally love my friends from other races because they are fun and loving. Of course we have had our differences but that's what makes us unique. 


    This changes a lot because you have so many things to do and yet so little time. We don't always study. We do have fun and sometimes do crazy things to loosen up because med school can be challenging emotionally and physically and it will take its toll on you. So take some time off on the weekend to treat yourself. Treats can be anything like getting yourself a favourite food, or as simple as treating yourself to a good extra 2 hours sleep in the morning ! I always treat myself with the latter. Always. 
    While changes in sleeping pattern in the preclinical years are not obvious, things will be more hectic in clinical years and you'll only get 3-5 hours sleep at night unless on weekend of course. 

    I think that's sufficient to provide you an insight of what med school might be. There are other things as well but I leave them for you to explore. Where's the fun if I tell you everything ? Anyway, I listed some of the textbooks below that have been useful to me and perhaps to you too.

    Basically you'll be learning a few modules through out pre-clinical years. But I don't wanna burden you with unnecessary things right now. So I'll take you straight to the point and the things that are important to prepare for a first year medical student. The followings are the modules that you will be learning in the first year. 

    1st YEAR

    1. Cellular Biomolecule
    2. Tissue of Body
    3. Membrane & Receptors
    4. Metabolism

    1. Genetics
    2. Infection & Immunity
    3. Mechanism of Diseases
    4. Musculoskeletal System

    I keep mentioning the importance of reading your textbooks earlier on. So I have listed textbooks that have been helpful to me when I was a first year medical student and I hope you will find them as useful. You can buy them at Kamal Bookstore near Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). Good news is that this bookshop accept Baucar Buku 1 Malaysia (BB1M) and I strongly advise you to use them to buy your textbooks because these books aren't as cheap as you think eventhough they may look thin.  

    DORLAND'S Pocket Medical Dictionary

    You'll be needing this medical dictionary to understand the medical terms that you don't understand. But by the end of first year, you won't be using it as much because you'll start to understand the meaning behind those medical jargons. 

    Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry
    This books is the main textbook used in cellular biomolecule and metabolism modules. So you might wanna grab hold to it. It might be wordy and you might not understand the first time you read it but you will eventually. So don't give up understanding this book and keep reading. Haha. Basically in metabolism module, you'll need to finish and memorise this book. No one says it's easy but it's not impossible. The better it is your understanding, the easier it is to remember. So the key is really to understand. And if there is really anything you wanna know, Marks' has it all and it is perfect for biochemistry newbies.

    LIPPINCOTT'S Biochemistry
    This book contains a lot of charts and illustrations and it is a simpler version of Marks' Biochemistry. I bought and read both of them. This book is good for refreshing, reinforcing and recalling your memory. But for you to really understand, I strongly suggest you to buy both. 

    Junqueira's Basic Histology (Text & Atlas)
    This book is enough for us to understand histology. Text and atlas means that it has histological illustrations with explanation. You really don't want a histology book without atlas because histology is all about what you see under the microscope. And you don't really want a histology book without text also because for newbies like you, you'll have no idea what it is that you see. So it is of vital importance that you buy book that have both atlas and text ! 

    WHEATHER'S Histology (Text & Atlas)
    You can also buy this book but I think it is too advanced. It has good atlas and lengthy explanation. Or maybe you can compare both books and pick the one that suits you. 

    SHERWOOD Physiology
    This book is AWESOME! You MUST have one in your possession. Seriously! Good illustrations and excellent explanation. A MUST BUY !

    KATZUNG Pharmacology

    Katzung is a thick book just like the others. And yes it is wordy but it is used by lecturers as a reference in lectures. 

    LIPPINCOTT'S Pharmacology
    And as usual, we have a book with simpler version to help you remember better. Although it is thinner, it is not exactly thin. 

    SNELL Clinical Anatomy by Regions
    Snell is the main reference of the lecturers. It is systematic and easy to remember. Plus, it is definitely thinner than LIPPINCOTT'S Clinically Oriented Anatomy.

    LIPPINCOTT'S Clinically Oriented Anatomy
    This is thicker. I am not saying that this book is not helpful but this is just too thick and too boring. At the end of the day, you will not touch this book and it will be left in your possession to collect dust.

    ROBBINS & COTRAN Pathologic Basis of Diseases

    This is the thickest book of them all. Haha. And again do not worry because they have a thinner version. Both versions are fine and useful. 

    There is one more book that is used in Genetic module but can't seem to remember. Sorry guys, I am getting old I guess. Hope that helps and see you around !

    Saturday 8 June 2013


    Assalamualaikum :)

    Well I know it's a bit late to post about this because it was like months ago. 

    DATE : 13-07-2012
    VENUE : Level 8, Maxis Tower, KL
    TIME : 2.00 PM
    DRESS CODE : Formal

    Okay, so I received a call from Maxis informing me that I was qualified to the final selection interview 3 days before the scheduled interview. I was happy of course. Not to mention my mum. I would say very very much super happy for me that she started to stress me out with lots and lots of tips, which of course only passed my hearings like lectures. The only difference is just that I take notes during lectures. Haha.

    My interview was scheduled at 2.00pm and if I'm not mistaken, 13th was actually Monday. My mum sent me to the tower and I knew I was all alone the moment I stepped out the car.

    Nervous, panic you name all the feelings.

    The night before the interview I googled on previous Maxis candidates experiences, searching for any tips that might be useful, just so you know, I know what to expect for the big thing tomorrow.

    And I did find a few related blogs. The one that caught my attention was a blog written by a chinese guy. He said the 1st level of interview was quite easy and the most relaxing interview he ever went. Well, seriously he was right about that. And as for the final interview according to him, there were 4 panels. And his interview only lasted for about 10mins! Of course he panicked because it took shorter time than everyone else but then one of the Maxis staffs there said that he had higher chance of passing the interview simply bcus they don't have much questions to ask probably bcus he answered them confidently, and maybe it was what they wanted to hear. So his interview was short.

    So I aimed to answer as best as I could so that my interview shall be short as well. Buuutt, my interview , lasted for 30mins++ -___-
    Yes, I was interrogated for that long.

    The moment I stepped out from the panel room, I knew I was doomed. And you know, I just wanted to get out from there as fast as I could. Well, something happened in room, something that embarassed me. Haha! 

    As I said just now, there were 4 panels. I prefer not to name them, I might be sued for giving them titles like these. Shhhh! Don't tell anybody I said that.


    Well you know le old man, OMG! Everytime he asked me questions, I felt like " OMG did I say that? Somebody shoot me in the mouth!" 

    He turned my answers against me. Beware of this old man, he is not to be underestimated. And I have no idea how he'd do that and that my answers were that questionable. You might as well wanna preserve his brain after he's dead, he is that cunning! His questions       
    suffocated me everytime, I was almost at lost of words, but I did not left any of them unanswered. Out of all the questions he asked, I found that this one was a real brain-teaser! "Can you tell me what has mathematics done to help the world?" I was silent for a moment, couldn't really answer it confidently. Truth is I did not know what I told him. Haha. Mathematics is not like Superman or Spiderman whom I can really count on to actually help people but I know mathematics helps people to create a better world. I just didn't know how to put it in words.


    She always tried to bring me down, well at least not by literally pulling me down. She might look mean but the old man was meaner. Haha. She was smart and always smiled. As much as I love people smiling at me, her smiles made me confuse though. I don't know, I was just confused. Do the panels really smile at the candidate that frequent? No, I don't think so. It was either she was happy with my answer or I answered stupidly or..... both *sighs* She asked more about my determination, willingness, and resiliency like "why do you apply for this course instead of other courses like medicine, architecture, etc?". She was kind and she was honest in her question. I mean most of her questions were not meant to test my ways of thinking or my ways of doing things, she was just simply curious. 

    But one of her question really caught me by the heart, "You know that this course is hard. We all know that it is hard. And often times students under our sponsorship did not make it to the end of course and changes courses when they are half way there and even some who did not drop the course still performed poorly. And under such circumstances, we have to choose very carefully this time. Give me reasons why should we trust you?"
    Hah! It felt like I was in a trial for committing highly offensive crimes! I think I answered her the honestly and the best that I could.



    Well they are 2 different person actually but they were not active in asking questions. I had a hunch that one of them might be the body language reader, I think...

    A few weeks later I got an email that I passed the interview and Maxis was willing to sponsor my study in University of Malaya Bachelor of Science (Pure Mathematics) . Yeay! But it was unfortunate that I have to decline such good offer because I already accepted another offer. I doubted that I even stand a chance after that awful interview. I thought I was not qualified because I had not receive any response for a quite long time from Maxis. I thought that I was not doing good enough but maybe they saw me as a qualified candidate. Good luck to those out there! Hope this entry helps. I understand how you guys feels right now. Trust me, I've been there ;) All the best!

    Wednesday 15 August 2012


    DATE : 30/07/2012
    TIME : 10.30 AM

    Assalamualaikum !


    Dalam minggu lepas, I got a call from an unknown number. Dah lah hari tu aku keje petang, semalam pulak OT balik lambat, baru tidur bape jam dah kene bangun sahur pulak, apa lagi mestilah aku tengah membuta pagi tu time die call tu. Hewhew.

    Aku ni pulak memang kalau tidur malam, handphone silent mode.
    Bangun-bangun je dah ada 4 missed calls.
    Tapi aku buat tak reti je sebab aku assume adik aku yang call guna public asrama.
    So i was like, 'Alahh, nanti nanti je lah call, serabut' HAHA

    Sekali kat tempat kerja dalam pukul 1 lebih macam tu, aku dah on the way nak pegi sembahyang dah kat bilik belakang tuu when my phone rang. Lagu Lady Gaga youuu.

    I turned back and picked up the call. Rasa macam nak luruh jantung, terkejut aku bila the speaker introduced herself and congratulated me out of the sudden. Biaq betoi aku shorlisted? Nasib baik hati aku tergerak nak patah balik untuk jawab call tu. Kalau tak, aku rasa orang tu pun takkan call aku untuk kali ke-6. Huuuu.

    Punya lah terkejut sampai aku drive balik kerja pun hampir nak langgar orang. Macam tak percaya je. I mean aku shortlisted? me? really? are you sure? really really?


    Attire dia of course lah formal. I was wearing my orange baju raya. Nak dijadikan cerita, kasut yang aku beli semalam untuk interview hilang lah pulokkk. Haih, dah lah aku ni tengah miskin kasut time tu, gaji pun tak dpt lagi. CIS!time tu juga dia nak hilang. So aku pinjam kasut raya adik aku yang berwarna putih with a big white ribbon on it. I hate to do that but fate left me with no option at that time but to grab whatever that fitted my feet and the dresscode . SERIOUSLY MACAM CACAT JE AKU PAKAI KASUT TU. Tak matching langsung! Dah lah takde heels, baju aku dah panjang bwah lutut, macam orang kerdil je. Nak jalan pun susah, asyik nak tersadung sebab terpijak kain je. Hello, maknyah pun tak jalan cacat macam kau nyah -_- !

    Pastu dahlah aku terpaksa bangun pukul 5 pagi untuk sahur and terus bersiap to follow my dad to KL because he's working in KL so it was convenient to have him send me to the Maxis Tower. Penat woo sebab sehari sebelum interview tu aku keje. Dengan bermatakan mata panda, aku pun ke Maxis Tower. Pastu kan.... Dah lah itu... Pastu... Tah hape2 tah..

    "Kau ni takde keje lain ke asyik merungut je. Menyampah tau"

    Ehem *Clears throat*

    Okay continuing.

    Setibanya di Menara Maxis di waiting area where candidates were waiting for their turns to be interviewed. Well, I reached there around 9.45am which is 45mins earlier for my interview. I met a chinese girl, her name was Li Anne if I am not mistaken. We talked for awhile, you know just to calm ourselves. I knew we were both scared and we were trying to hide that as best as we could from each other. Somehow it sounded pathetic mann, haha.

    She was supposed to have her interview at 10 am but it was delayed to 10.15am which means my interview was delayed as well. Everything was a bit behind schedule. Her interview lasted for 30mins++ and she took a deep breath upon exiting the interview room which of course triggered my adrenaline and curiosity.

    It was one on one interview. And FYI not all candidates were interviewed by the same panel. My interviewer was the same as Li Anne and that was Puan Sabariah. She told me before leaving that Pn Sabariah was a nice lady and she even gave Li Anne some feedback on her interview. And I was like WOW. That has to be the part when you're like "OUCH!" when the truth actually slammed you in the face. 

    Next up it was my turn.

    Well actually her questions were not that hard but it made me look stupid when I spoke stupidly in English. Dah lama tak skipping ehhh I mean speaking. Berkarat, berhabuk sume ada -_-

    Tapi I didn't care as long as she was able to understand what I was trying to convey. Grammar tunggang langgang, bersepah *HIPERBOLA*

    Antara soalan yang ditanya:

    1-Tell me about yourself.
    2-Tell me about your career inspiration.
    3-Tell me about one of the leadership position that you held before and the challenges that you faced.
    4-So you like to read books? (i answered 'yes') Tell me about one of the books that you've read.
    5-Why should Maxis awards you with this scholarship? (As expected)

    Frankly I hate to answer question 1 & 4. These kind of questions confuse me because I don't exactly know where to start and where to stop. Haha. And for question 4 I ended up telling the whole story line to her. Oh oh and guys don't forget to highlight the moral of the story. It's important. *cehh macam bagus sgt je nak bagi tips kat orang* U_U

    you wanna know her feedback towards me?
    She said that I have good command of english and I stated that I was emotionally inclined.
    I have a kind heart which is good and the world needs people like me.
    BUT...... (ni yang tak sedap dengar ni)
    I might face problems in convincing people who are in a rush because i might cause them to lose their attention to what I'm trying to deliver.

    HEEEE. Takpelah terima jelah, at least I know that is my weakness and I can try to improve. So for now just wait and see. Hoping there's good news in the next 2 weeks. Amiinn. That's all for now. Pray for my success people :D Chow Cincau!

    Tuesday 20 December 2011


    Who would choose a path so harsh
    Thee who travel shall taste the pain
    For it shall hurt thou pride so deep
    Thee shall hit the ground so hard
    Many  shall lose their guidance and lost
    Thenceforth none dares to travel alone
    Some regret the first step made
    For those are blinded and discourage by fear
    And it seems none have survived this course.

    Future is an obstructed view
    None shall know what waits for them
    Those of warriors shall see it through
    And they shall rise superior over thee
    Shall thee carry the same belief
    Those with patience shall redeem the deeds
    Those who FIGHT shall taste victory
    And thee who regret will be left behind

    Get on your feet my brothers and sisters
    Join us marching to the great battlefield
    We shall hold our sword so high
    And thee shall never have to be alone
    Let us fight with courage and wisdom
    So that we’ll die with honor and dignity
    Say we survive the war and hardships
    Thee shall be looking back and carve a smile
    For  both thee and I had known better
    It’s worth a fight than giving in
    To get to the peak must we be persistent
    Because life is never an easy path
    And to succeed thou have to fall.

    Friday 16 December 2011


    Evening readers :)
    Thank you for dropping by.

    Owh yeah, today I would be writing on The Fantastic 4.
    Those four are FMAX, FJAX, FKAX, FQAH.

    Huh, what the hell is that?

    Haha, before further misunderunderstanding. T
    hose four are the codes for the subjects I am taking in my Biological Science foundation, here in PASUM.

    Tau tak biological science tu ape? Sains hayat.

    Generally, life here in PASUM is hectic, like really hectic. I MEAN IT.
    Most of the weekdays, class would start as early as 8am and end at 5 in the evening. Of course, we had a break for lunch for an hour from 1-2pm except on Friday because we would have 3 hours of break. 

    But nevermind, it's not a life if things would have been so perfect :)

    Usually, I would be burning midnight oil to complete chemistry lab report which have never been less than 8 pages. 

    At night too, I would be spending my time on tutorials, revisions and stuffs.
    Most of the times, I would have done both tutorials and revision at the same time, to save time. No, ini tidak membanggakan dan bukan untuk dibanggakan. I'm trying to tell you how times really is precious to us, the PASUMians.

    Well, about my studies, hmm.
    I'm fine academically but I didn't say that I am excellent. Biasa-biasa saje awak.

    Let's have a quick review on what I think about the Fantanstic 4.

    This is the code for Biology. But it is sub-divided into 2 papers i.e.
     FQAH 0113 & FQAH 0114.

    FQAH 0113 is the course emphasizing on the Physiology On Organisms.
    In this course, currently I am still having lectures on the nervous system. And  I just had my practical on last Monday regarding the nervous system. 

    Nak cerita sikit la kan pasal praktikal hari tu.
    We had to carry out tests on LIVING FROG and as surprising as ever, no glove was provided to us.

    You know what it means? Yes, it means that we have to handle the frog with BARE hands.
    I repeat, BARE HANDS.

    This would probably be the biggest frog in the Monday lab.
    Luckily it was not my frog.

    Like I said, BARE HANDS!

    We have to carry out tests on its nervous system. 
    First part of practical, we have to carry out tests on the normal frog.
    Now, the second part of it, and here comes the interesting part. We have to do pithing or in other word we have to poke its brain and carry the same tests as in part 1.
    In the end, we have to contrast the results before and after pithing.

    Well, this was our frog which had undergo pithing. We poked its brain. 
    Sorry froggie :'(

    After pithing the frog, it should be paralysed since the brain was damaged. However, if the pithing was not successful, we ought to repeat the pithing again until the frog was totally paralysed. Don't worry, I think the frog didn't feel any pain.

    If the pithing was not perfect i.e. one side of the brain was still functional this is what likely to happen due to imperfect pithing. * I should have a vid, but I'll upload it later. 

    Enough with FQAH 0113.

    As for FQAH 0114, the course emphasizes on Genetics and DNA Technology.
    Wah, nama macam apa je kan, macam hebat sangat je sape yang ambik course ni. Haha, well it's not as hard as you think. It's interesting though. We'll be learning on how cloning happens and how to alter DNA composition so that we'll get the DNA to produce what we desire (DNA recombinant). That's another story. Proceeding....

    OKAY, same as Bio, physics is also further divided into two sub-courses.
    FMAX 0113-Basic Physics 3
    FMAX 0114- Basic Physics 4

    I don't know why the heck that they call them 'basic physics' anyway. Because it was not that easy and not that basis.

    HAIH, sometimes I just get sleepy during lectures because I didn't understand+tired. It was unintentional of course! HEHE :P

    It's okay, I know what I'm doing. I'll catch up somehow.

    Both FMAX 0113/0114 are focusing more on eletrical, electromagnatic, electronic stuffs.
    Ini bagai seksaan kepada aku -.-

    Masa zaman purba dahulu kala, time F5, aku paling tak suka benda elektrik elektrik ni. Rectification, capacitor ke hole ke transistor ke apa-apa la berkaitan elektrik segala bagai nih, I'm sorry, I tak minat. FULLSTOP.

    Inilah perkara yang aku tak boleh suka selain daripada Bio.
    Actually aku lagi suka Bio dari electrical semua tu.

    Anyhow, I still have to learn it and score this term but don't expect me to like it.
    I'm just doing what I have to.

    Seperti biasa kursus ini juga dibahagikan kepada dua

    FKAX 0113- Basic Chemistry 3
    FKAX 0114- Basic Chemistry 4

    Okay, yang ni memang betul-betul BASIC. Haha. Because kalau any of the future chemist tak belajar apa yang ada dalam course ni, I'm sorry to say, you don't have what it takes to be one. 

    This is one of my favourite subjects. I like both courses :)

    FKAX 0114 emphasizes more on the chemical and physical properties of a compound of different functional groups attached to it. The mechanisms of the reaction, Tautomerisation, chemical equations, type of reaction, how to prepare a solution/ compound. 

    This is one of the easiest and the earliest mechanisms being taught to us.

    FKAX 0113 pulak empasizes more on Physical Chemistry. It involves more calculations rather than chemical equations. Pendek kata, subjek ni is a part of chemistry which involves the calculation. Basically we are learning on how to interpret the calculated value based on the chemical equation given. Daripada calculation yang tertentu, we can determine whether the reaction is forward or reversed, is the reaction has reached the equilibrium, through the constant we could know whether the reaction is fast/slow, complete/incomplete, type of acids, acidity based on equlibrium constant and so much more! 

    OK, terlebih excited. haha. Daripada 1 value tu macam-macam kita boleh tahu, best kan? 

    Speaking of which, tutorial untuk FKAX 0113 is more or less easy. Kalau susah pun, susah sikit je dan tidak sepening tutorial FKAX 0114 yang banyak reactions.

    Tapi takpe, since I love Chemistry so much, I wouldn't mind :) I'll try my best to excel!

    FJAX 0113-Algebra & Calculus
    FJAX 0114- Statistics & Probability

    In the 1st term FJAX 0111 is Algebra while FJAX 0112 is Calculus. 
    I have no idea why they combined both algebra and calculus in one course in this term.

    I love both algebra and calculus though. But I'm afraid FJAX0113 had just made me grow less interest towards it. It's not because of the numbers. It's because there are too many alphabets interfering with the calculations. 

    Personally, I think Algebra is the course that teaches students how to operate (+,-,x) the alphabets and in the end the answer would be a numerical value. Odd.

    EX: 3a+b-7c= 4

    Honestly, I think numbers and alphabets were never good combinations all together. Because when question is too tough to solve, it's a MASSIVE DEGENERATION OF OUR BRAIN CELLS -.-

    Ya Allah, like seriously, I'm having some hard times with this course. I mean it's not severe but it bothers me a lot.

    The tutorial, my goodness. I didn't even have the slightest idea on how to solve some questions and some of the solutions shown by the tutors are lengthy, way too lengthy. 

    I just hope I manage to cope with it. I can, it's just I need some space. I need time to improve. I'll be on par with the excellent soon enough, Insyallah.

    As for FJAX0114, just finished lectures on statistics today, it was the last lecture. Next week, we'll be proceeding to probability.

    I heard it that lots of people thought that syllabus and exams in PASUM is harder than the other universities. 

    Well, that I don't know because I don't know how other universities/matrices arranged their syllabuses.

    I leave it for your evaluation :)

    Dalam hidup takde benda yang susah,
    Tapi benda yang senang pun perlu ada kesungguhan :)